Make-your-own experience, really. :) plus some things to improve upon

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I'm an 19y.o. Indonesian that is studying in Australia. For my 2015 summer break I chose to do something I've never done before - living in Europe by myself, in a country where I do not know anyone and which language I did not speak, while having my very first (unpaid) office job. This has been the scariest and life-changing experience I have ever had, and most certainly one I'll never forget. :)

Barcelona is the right place for you if you enjoy going on hikes and getting some fresh air from the city on weekends (it certainly was the right place for me!). Whenever I'm not sick or working, I'm out having excursions and meeting new people. I went horseriding several times in very beautiful and memorable places. I went trekking and hiking and took trains to medieval villages. And the best of all, I get to travel while meeting new people from all over the world and especially Europe, which for me is the most important part of the whole experience. :)

I spent 3 months in Barcelona. During the first 5 weeks I had difficulties in adapting to the environment and I got sick many times - stomachaches, colds, fevers, you name it. Afterwards it got better but I still got sick at least once every two weeks - usually minor, but sometimes I could be immobilized in bed for hours. I have Asian friends who found the same problem - getting a lot of colds and stomachaches, hair falling out, etc,. Maybe the environment is more difficult for Asian people to get used to (lol, who knows). During those times I had to cancel excursions I have planned with my friends - and despite not being able to do anything about it, I regret it very much. I wish I had spent more time in Barcelona.

I loved my job in the office. I interned in a publishing company which also published the FC Barcelona's official albums, which is awesome. I designed banners and book covers and a lot of things for the company. During the process, my coworkers were very honest in giving me feedback and they were very patient with me when I do not understand something. However I think the company lacked communication with me - for example, I had to find out myself (from my friends who were working) that there was a public holiday the following week and that I did not have to be in the office. Other than that, though, it was great. They were patient when I made mistakes and were very understanding. As it was my first office job, I learned so many things from it. It was quite satisfying.

A tip for future interns: Adelante is DEAD SERIOUS when they say that this program is only for independent travelers. You are on your own to decide where you want to go and with whom, and you have to be able to find your own way to be able to meet new people. The Adelante representative in Spain did not meet or greeted me until almost 2 weeks after my arrival, and that was only to talk about work and if I have any other questions, which in my opinion was a bit late to ask about... The pre departure orientation packet was not very updated and helpful about the metro tickets - Make sure to enter your ID number when you buy one or you will be fined! (During the time I bought my ticket, a local who was helping kinda put random numbers onto it and I thought that was what we were supposed to do because it still works - but when the need to renew your ticket arises, you won't be able to do that.) another tip is to NOT go to the hospital that Adelante recommends you to. Contrary to what I expected, I was not given an English-speaking doctor regardless of my request, and the price to just see the doctor for less than five minutes was ridiculously expensive. If it's a minor problem, then just go to the local pharmacy and ask a pharmacist what to get. A final tip is to always be careful with your belongings no matter where you are. So many of my friends have had their things stolen. The hype is real.

The bottom line is, this program is simply a bridge. What you get out of it is your own choice. You will be handed a free rein to make your own experience and make it life-changingly awesome. For me, it certainly was! ;)

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Thank you for everything. I won't forget this experience! :)