Amazing Adventure with Travel for Teens in Costa Rica!

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Wow, I don't even know where to begin when it comes to sharing all of the amazing things that occurred during my time with Travel for Teens in Costa Rica. In 2014, I went on the Costa Rica Adventure and Service trip and absolutely loved it! Going into the trip I didn't really know what to expect, but I had high expectations because the standard had been set so high on my previous trip with Travel for Teens, Discover Europe. This trip was exactly what it said it was, an adrenaline rush with a huge service component. We had the opportunity to zip-line on multiple occasions, repel down waterfalls, swim in the ocean, go white water rafting and much more. The service components were fantastic as well. During my trip, we helped a local scout troop clean up their local community and my favorite which was clean the outside of a local school building. We had the opportunity to interact with the children, play games like duck duck goose and practice a little bit of our Spanish. I could expand on so many aspects that made this trip fantastic, but there is one specific thing that I would like to highlight. This trip really immersed myself and the other travelers with the locals. Whether it was at the hostel we stayed at or the vendors that would take us on our activities I didn't feel like a tourist, but a traveler. One day we had a cooking lesson with a husband and wife that taught us how to make coffee and empanadas. This was hands down one of the best parts of the trip. The couple was very warm, welcoming, and loving towards us and not to mention helped us make some of the most amazing empanadas I've ever tasted. That opportunity also really gave me the chance to really bond with other teenagers on the trip. Yes, this trip was fantastic in every way and I can say so much about it, but the one thing I would like people to know is that ,with Travel for Teens whether on this trip or another one, you will feel and be embraced as a local. This is the best way to truly get the most out of your experience and Travel for Teens does it magnificently.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed