A Semester of Sea and making the most out of that Semester

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

To speak frankly, this was not my most influential or most rewarding experience abroad. That is not to say that I did not benefit from this or did not learn a lot. I am the kind of person that prefers to be immersed in one place as opposed to sampling several different countries in a whirlwind kind of fashion. Three to seven days is not nearly enough time to get to understand a place, a culture, to get used to hearing a foreign language, or to accustom oneself to the cadence of a different place in the world. As a result, I made sure that I made the most of my time in each country. I still made my best efforts to meet locals, to see as much as I can, and to use my senses to get a general idea of a new place. I was touched by the numerous encounters I had with hospitable locals in various countries of the world, I just wish I could have stayed in one spot to return the favor or to delve deeper into understanding where they are from and who they are. That was my experience with Semester at Sea.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
The analogy I use all the time when describing this program is that it is like going to a restaurant and ordering 15 appetizers but no entrees. I really believe in the value of staying in a single place to truly immerse yourself and sometimes, one semester is not enough to understand a place so how could someone expect to comprehend a different area of the globe within three to seven days? It was nice seeing different parts of the world, but I wish I could have left the program understanding a new culture and place profoundly as well as somewhat picking up a new language.