I left my heart in San Ramon

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Studying abroad for a semester was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and doing it in San Ramon only enhanced my experience. Costa Rica is a teeny tiny country which means it is very easy to travel through! A 7 hour bus ride places you across the length of the country in warm oceans among laid back locals, while another coast is an easy hour bus ride away and offers great surf and camping options.

San Ramon offers a great climate (particularly in the Spring semester) with lots of friendly people. Many people don't speak English, so the opportunity to practice Spanish is very available. The staff is extremely available and helpful to the students, and all of the students in my program were very happy with their families they lived with. The classes that I took in Spanish language, literature, and culture were all fantastic, and the marine biology class allowed me to go on two snorkeling trips. The most fun classes were definitely the cooking and dancing classes. I also had the opportunity to volunteer at a preschool and teach English which was amazing.

My family introduced me to loads of different foods (especially fruit!!), taught me how to make tamales, told me loads of stories, and even celebrated my birthday with me. Over Spring break I was able to travel to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. All of the travel trips set up by USAC were fantastic, I would highly recommend them!

Make sure to visit Las Musas, a secret San Ramon destination ;)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed