Amazing Volunteer Trip to Costa Rica

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent 6 weeks volunteering at a school for children with Special Needs in San Jose, Costa Rica through IVHQ and it was the most wonderful experience. As a first time traveler that was not fluent in Spanish, I was hesitant for the trip, but it turned out to be nothing but fantastic. I wasn't just a tourist in another country, I felt as close to a native Costa Rican as I could ever be. My host family helped me with my Spanish and shared all of the inside secrets of the wonders of Costa Rica, while still making me feel at home. Obviously, the best part of my trip was spending the day with my students at the school. They were so welcoming, and even though we had two language barriers (Spanish and Sign Language), they taught me so much. I loved going to the school everyday to learn from the students, and also for them to learn from me. Working with these students one-on-one was so rewarding, and even though I only spent 6 weeks with them, I could see their growth. Another amazing part about volunteering with IVHQ was the sheer number of other volunteers at the program. There were constantly new people arriving every week, which meant new roommates coming to the house. I met so many different people from all around the world, and many of them will be life-long friends. This experience was more than I could ever ask for, and I wouldn't have changed anything about it - except staying longer.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed