Dublin the Fair City!

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Dublin is a great city-a lot going on but small enough that you will know your way around sooner than you may think. The CAPA program advisers are right on campus and such wonderful people, willing and able to help with anything you might need. Also, through CAPA you are able to get an internship abroad, an experience that is invaluable and will look great on a resume!
One of my favorite parts of being in Dublin was Thursday nights-two friends and I went to the same pub each Thursday, where we got to know the bartenders and the two guys that played live music. It wasn't a night to drink too much or go wild, just a chance for us to be immersed in the local culture and become "regulars" if just for three months. On the last night the band dedicated a song to us and I got to go on stage and sing with them for the whole bar. Just traveling to other countries is great, but being part of a city for long enough to make relationships like those are what made it so worth it to me.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed