Prague Felt Like Home

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

The summer that I spent in Prague changed my life. I took two amazing classes that were both challenging and rewarding. I traveled to several other countries on weekends. I made friendships that will last a lifetime and I learned so much about myself.
After only a few days, I knew that it was going to be hard to leave Prague. Not only is it a beautiful city that you must see to believe, it also has a very charming and familiar environment that feels like home.
I absolutely loved my apartment, which was a short walk from a metro station, a grocery store, and several cafes. One of my best memories from Prague is paddle-boating with my roommates down the Vltava River, then going to a beer garden to watch a soccer game. There is so much to do and the possibilities are endless!

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Year Completed