An asset but not a career starter

Benefits: 5
Support: 3
Fun: 5
Facilities: 3
Safety: 1

I enjoyed the course and got good grades and was able to find work as a teacher in Prague. However, finding work teaching a language in Prague is not that difficult when you're a native speaker. I was hoping that I could step up my career with this certificate but so far it has not proven useful for me to go into the direction I was hoping it could take me. A TEFL certificate will not replace a diploma from university or give you an edge when you apply for places where they are looking for someone with several years of experience. Which I think is fair since I found the training, especially the teaching practice, one-sided. In my group, we only taught young adults and mainly focused on General language and teaching beginners - which was something I hardly did later on when working as a teacher. The main point to keep in mind is that while this is a fun program and a useful option for people who want to come to Prague for a while to get a work-and-travel-experience, it is not the right option if you want to start your career as an English teacher. The salary for teaching in the Czech Republic is not enough when you play to live in Prague and it is very difficult to find a better paid teaching job with only this certificate.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed