Absolutely amazing experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

By far the most amazing program you could find. There are none of its kind, as there are not other programs that can give you the most rounded experience like this one. Help - you volunteer at a site in Ecuador to help build homes for families in need. My trip was building homes for the community of Jama, although due to the earthquake before, the homes were built in Manta and sent to Jama, due to the state of Jama being unfit for us to stay & work there. Learn - You get to experience hospital rotations, and learn all about them. You get surgery, where you're actually in the OR, 3 feet away from a surgery, ER where you get to learn all about what happens in an ER, and maybe even practice taking vitals on patients, Sports Medicine, OB/Gynecology, Radiology, pretty much anything that you can think of, this program lets you experience it. Discover - You spend a week touring around the different areas of Ecuador getting to experience the Amazon rainforest, amazing waterfalls, beaches, mountains, everything that the country has to offer. It's all so much better than just reading about it, or looking at pictures that other people have taken, until you actually experience the sheer beauty of the country, you don't truly get to appreciate it.

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Yes, I would