CLI is great for younger teenagers too!

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Value: 5

This is a review for the moms that are wondering if it is safe and comfortable to send their teenage children to CLI. My 14 year old son just returned after spending three weeks at CLI. He not only came back jabbering away in Mandarin, he had the most amazing stories to tell about the school and his overall experience there.

CLI makes sure that your kids are attended to and safe at all times. They are picked up at the airport, settled into their housing, and watched over during the period that they are there. If you want even stricter supervision, them you can put them to stay with a host family instead of the dorm, and then you know that they are back at home every night at a certain time.

What made this so easy to do is the ability to communicate with your kids at all time. It is not like sending them on a teen tour, where they need to hand over their phones, and can only call on designated days, We were able to speak with our son every morning and every night by Skype, and see everything that was going on with him even though he was on the other side of the world.

The school is incredible and the way that they work their 1 on 1 lessons are second to none. I also liked the blend of social activities with studying. My son made tons of friends at the school, yet he was really immersed in Chinese culture.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed