Okay course, you mostly pay for the name of the University on the certificate!

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Facilities: 3
Safety: 2

I completed the course quite easily. The tests are easy and they're a simple repeat of all the practice questions you get while completing the units. The information taught is interesting, though superficial. I really appreciated all the handouts they give for each unit, I think these we'll come in handy. Since everything is in "powerpoint" style, but on video, taking note is not super easy. You have to re-write everything, no copy pasting possible unless you do screenshots. They give lesson notes but they are in pdf format, so un-editable for most of us and they are crappy notes... You have to complete reflexion journals for each unit: the topics are interesting, but they do not give any usable feedback when reviewing them. If you write them you pass I guess, whatever you write in them. I would have appreciated a bit more effort in commenting these journals, so that my "reflexion" could grow, if that makes any sense.

As for the job assistance, it is non-existant. They have a website with job postings, and that,s pretty much it. When I asked for some support or help, or advice, they sent me an email saying that I was doing a great job at building my profile, that it looked good. Nice, but completed useless. Most of the job posting are a direct to school type of application, so Teach Away actually doesn't do anything. I think it's obvious that I am very unsatisfied with their support. I though that by applying at UoT with Teach Away, I would have some help sorting through the postings and the scams and the legit offers. I was so wrong...

So as I said, you pay for the name of the University I guess. Is it a good thing? I don't know!

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
I have mentioned a lot of mistakes throughout your course, with the feedback option and the help/support tab. I think your course would benefit from a thorough review.

As I said in my public comment, I find the job assistance absolutely ridiculous. I can't even believe you call that job assistance. A website with job postings and a consumer fed forum is not job assistance. Job assistance is an advisor who calls you, who checks with you what you want out of a job, who gives you advice on destinations, visas etc., who helps you out not falling for the scams, who explains the different steps you'll have to take before you leave... that's assistance. What you do is advertise as a service something that I can find for free on hundreds of websites online. It's called false advertising.