HLD gives you 200%

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

To start, HLD is hands down one of the best summer programs that anyone can choose to do! The combination of doing medical rotations, volunteering your time to those that need it, and touring the country has just the right amount of fun, learning, and rewarding experiences that you definitely will remember for the rest of your life. Whenever I was looking for a program to do over the summer, I wanted to do something that I could help out those less fortunate in another country, while also learning something valuable in my life. HLD fit what I was looking for perfectly! I went into the program the first day completely blind, and coming out my expectations were blown through the roof. The friends that you make and the things you do with them are something that will stay with you forever. Spending time with them for every moment of your life for 3-5 weeks allows you all to grow incredibly close with each other. I did the 28 day Pre-med with an extra week at the Galapagos. The pre-med portion was extremely organized. Everyday, I knew exactly what time and what I would be doing. In the end, I learned so much about the medical field because of all the different things we did. The tour was also very well organized. I knew where I was going and how much money I should bring with me. While some times I didn't exactly know what I was going to be doing, the surprises were well worth it! It made the whole experience even better! Finally, the volunteer portion was in my opinion the best part of the trip. After the week, seeing the joy and emotions from the community was the most rewarding aspect. You feel like you have made such a positive impact in their lives and know that they are much better off thanks to your work. I also did the extra week in the Galapagos on my trip. The week was absolutely amazing and I felt like I got a very good taste of what it is like in the islands. Now to wrap up, HLD has profoundly changed my life. It has made me further my interest in the field of medicine, and made me appreciate what I have back home. Being a 17 year old on the trip, I was welcomed as equals among people older than me. For those that aren't quite 18 yet and debating whether to go on the trip, I would still consider the trip. The trip is well suited for teenagers like me. Also for those considering about going, don't look at the cost. While the trip is by no means cheap, that factor should not be what decides if you go or not. You get way more out of the trip than the money you spend!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed