A life changing month!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I did the 28 day pre-med program with HLD and it was more than I ever imagined. It was incredible.

For the help portion, we worked in Jama to build new homes that were destroyed by the earthquake. The community was amazing, everyone was extremely welcoming and loving. The day we left the community was the hardest, tears were shed because we had all had such a great time working together, regardless of the language barrier. The kids were resilient and were so energetic and excited to play with us. We worked hard, we were drenched in sweat most of the time, we were dirty and smelly and it was the most rewarding feeling in the world.

For the learn portion, I was extremely surprised and impressed with how hands on we were and how much I learned. The med tutors were extremely helpful (and funny) and they taught us ALOT. Everyone was always willing to teach, even the surgeons would walk us through the surgeries we were able to sit in on which was such a good learning experience. HLD really does give you insight on what it's like to be in medicine and it reinforced the fact I do want to be a doctor one day. I highly recommend this program for anyone considering medicine as a career, or even nursing!!

For the discover portion, words can't begin to explain the amazing memories we made together. Everyday was filled with activities, laughs, jokes and lots of dancing!! We went to so many different places in the beautiful Ecuador and we were able to experience the culture as well as have fun. There isn't a day that isn't jam packed with exciting things to do.

HLD has definitely impacted my life in so many positive ways and if you have the chance to go to Ecuador with any of the programs they offer, go!!

Ecuador is very dear to my heart now and I hope to go back, for the people and the country.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would