My summer internship

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

After a very thorough interview with the internship advisor from TravelNstudy, highlighted by my needs and the area of interest, several options in financial field were presented to me! I made my final decision and agreed that the placement in one of the international banks in Poland will be the best for me. I was placed in Gdansk, in a city branch, and worked directly with my supervisor. Finally I had the opportunity to connect the relevancy of classroom studies to the real world! I was not surprised to see that economy in Poland is one of the strongest in EU and that the country was not hit by the economic crisis. The market is open for major investments from the European Union. About my internship and my life after work. The everyday work in Gdansk was pretty standard 8-5, with most weekends being off. I was able to contribute directly to the bank at which I interned. I worked with Polish interns from a business school in Gdansk and I spent most of my weekends with them on sightseeing, going to the beach, and going out at night (the city has fantastic bars and clubs). The Polish students seem to be very independent, well educated, one of them was fluent in three languages and just recently got accepted to London School of Economics. They were my guides, best companions, and made my overall stay really great and stress free. One weekend they surprised me and took me for a short trip to Berlin, Germany. I love traveling and seeing new places!
Great part of my internship were the visits to the capital of Poland! Twice a month I went with my boss to Warsaw to the main quarter for meetings! I must say I really enjoyed the experience! The morning rush, the busy life in Warsaw, the center of Europe, international environment, listening to my boss switching between Polish, English, and German, made a tremendous impact on me!
What did I gain in two months in Poland? Definitely confidence, independence, maturity and a mentoring from friendly people who just like me love finances and investments!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed