The trip of my life!

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I've visited lots of places across the world but this village was my favourite thanks to the amazing time I had there with GVI. I dont think anything can top hiking through the jungle with amazing people to see a semi wild and happy heard of beautiful Asian elephants. Then to come home and chill at base with such a stunning view.

Every day brings something different; exploring a new part of the forest, seeing a new creature, giving a health check or feeding one of the elephants, learning a new phrase in the Karen language, bonding with the villagers, you name it. Every day is special out there.

GVI don't allow cruel abuse of their elephants such as riding by tourists, excess and inexperienced use of the bull hook, use of any weapon on the elephants, or excess feeding of unnatural foods such as fruit. I would definitely recommend volunteering with this company.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed