Great experience

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 3

It was an eye opening experience, to say the least. It made me appreciate everything I have in life and realize what little is necessary in order to be happy. At my volunteer placement, a disabled home for girls and women, there were very little resources, but everyone seemed happy with what they've got. 2x a week we would have a dance hour, which would be the highlight of the day and everyone participated! It's a wonderful way to get out of your own comfort zone and it forces you to see the things that are hard to see at times. You can't turn a blind eye this time! However, I also think you need to have a certain maturity level to partake in this and to fully emerge yourself in the experience, which unfortunately many of the teenage volunteers were lacking. It was still an important chapter in my life and I'm planning to return next year, if possible. Everyone should be able to do at least one of those kind of volunteer journeys in their life and it is worth every minute of it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed