Great value for money

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

To be honest, I didn´t have much medical experience before my trip with the CHP Program. But medicine was something I always dreamed of so I encouraged myself to gain practical insight into the profession of a Cardio surgeon. I fell in love with it from the first moment, seeing various surgeries and diagnostic procedures have made me sure that I am going to become a Cardio surgeon myself. Every member of my mentoring team was so nice to me, these people are so willing to tell you everything about the case you observe and you might ask them also personal questions such as why they had become doctors., they share with you lot about their professional insight. If you are not sure whether you should go to med school, it is great to try it first by shadowing others as I did. From learning point of view this is really tangible experience, make sure you have good breakfast in the morning, as in the OR you might start to feel sick when hungry. I would never guess how tiring it is to be standing for long time during surgeries. Everyone from the CHP “back office” team is welcoming and friendly, feel free to talk to them about alll you need, they are happy to help:) Thank you CHP!

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Year Completed