Hanoi- life changing experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had originally planned to volunteer for an organisation in Africa Uganda but circumstances at that the time meant it would not be safe. I began researching different organisations on the internet and came accross plan my gap year. I contacted plan my gap year for more information and was impressed with the quick response. I had my trip rediverted to vietnam and booked within a week. Philip at plan my gap year was very helpful and answered promptly to any questions I had.
I volunteered in Vietnam for two months, I quickly fell in love with the culture, food and lifestyle. I volunteered to work with disabled children. I was based at a childrens centre in Hanoi helping children with autism and cerebal palsy, such an amazing experience. My only advise would be to learn some Vietnamese before you arrive in Vietnam, basics will get you by fine. The Vietnamese will appreciate that you are trying and in return will also make an effort to communicate.
The accommodation in Hanoi was fantastic, I made some great friends from all different walks of life. There is always something to do, Hanoi is a great city. I made the most of my trip and travelled out of Hanoi at the weekends to Sapa, Halong bay, Mai Chau the list continues...all breath taking views and adventure you will never forget.
I continued my travelling after my volunteer experience to different countries but in my opinion it cannot compare to Vietnam.
Definately the best decision I have ever made...choose Vietnam you won't regret it!

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