The real way to experience Thailand

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My boyfriend and I participated in the Marine Conservation Program in Phang Nga, Thailand and loved every minute of it.

We stayed with the locals at one of the villages affected by the 2004 tsunami. While the accommodation was modest, it really helped us learn more about the local culture and understand our impact on the local community. Additionally GVI hosts participants from around the world so the program was a great opportunity to meet lifelong international friends.

The conservation program involved a lot of travelling compared to the other programs on base. Each day we would get up bright and early to head off to either a national park, island, or conservation centre. Our work included turtle tank maintenance, mangrove forest clean ups, or biodiversity surveys. If it was turtle rehabilitation day, the team would start off by cleaning the tanks at the centres. Then we had to check and treat the turtles for fungal infection, before releasing them into their tanks. For the mangrove clean-ups, we canoed down the rainforest to collect waste. The calming scenery and wildlife made it feel like a serene stroll through the forest, rather than a clean-up.

The biodiversity surveys were undertaken through nature hikes. We would either hike up the hill and collect observations on the way done, or conduct the survey during the hike itself. The best part was being able to go for a swim in the waterfalls or have a picnic after our work. Often we then would head back to the village for lunch, where GVI gives us an allowance to spend at a local family restaurant.

During the biodiversity hikes we would find heaps of interesting creatures such as groovy coloured caterpillars, hermit crabs and small animals.

Coincidentally, we completed our program while students from the Duke University were completing a Service Learning program. They planned a big beach clean day where all volunteers and staff members teamed up to reduce waste polluting a local beach. Staff members from a nearby businesses and hotel guests were also happy to help out, demonstrating the positive relationship GVI has with the local community.

I highly recommend GVI and their volunteer program for curious minded adventurers looking for a unique learning experience.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed