CEA Buenos Aires

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I studied abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the Spring of 2011 with CEA. I did the program Latin American & Integrated Studies where I took classes at the Universidad de Belgrano, and I was able to take classes just with other international students or I could take classes with local Argentine students as well. I just took classes with other international students, which were all in Spanish and some of my classes were really good and interesting, and I had some that I felt I barely had to do any work or where I didn't feel like I was really learning anything new. But overall I enjoyed my classes and was able to learn a lot about Latin American and Argentine history and culture, which I really enjoyed. I had some friends in CEA who did programs and took classes at "CEA Global Campus" but they told me they didn't really enjoy the Global Campus and wish they would've taken classes at Belgrano like I had. So, I don't have first hand experience with the Global Campus, but I heard that from a few different people.

I decided to live with a host family, and I couldn't have asked for a better family. There were other students from the U.S. in the house as well, but it was nice to have a mix of cultures and views, which really made dinner conversations more fun! I'm not it the "best" neighborhood; our house doesn't have too much around it (like cafés or stores), but I am a block away from the subway stop, have plenty of bus stops nearby and close enough I can walk to places to go to a restaurant, café or shop. I wouldn't change anything for what I have since the family is so great.

Towards the end of my semester here in Buenos Aires with CEA, I decided to stay another semester (I have just grown to love the city and I want to continue to learn and practice my Spanish), so I am still in Buenos Aires through this Fall 2011. I didn't go through CEA this time, but rather all independently, so I'm paying the school and my host family directly. The only reason I didn't go with CEA again is because I don't need the great excursions they offer since I already did them, so I didn't want to pay for something I didn't need. Even though I'm not with CEA anymore, I have kept in contact the staff here in BsAs, and they have been great to me and have helped me with anything I have needed even though I am not in CEA anymore.

Buenos Aires has something for everyone to do, and if you ever need to get out of the city and get a little bit more nature than just the parks, you can always take a train or bus out of the city. Overall I had a good experience with CEA and I am excited to have my three more months in Buenos Aires to continue to explore and discover new things.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would