Italy Photography: Tuscany and Venice

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

From beginning to end, this was the trip of a lifetime. Everyday was a new adventure: a new sight to see, a new story to hear, a new scene to photograph. Being a photography trip, we had a different photography assignment every day, from portraits to street photography, to only being able to shoot vertical shots. Constantly having my camera in my hand as we wandered the beautiful cities made me look at them from a different perspective, always on the lookout for the perfect shot. I left this trip with an abundance of amazing photographs, but I also left with the knowledge of how to look at things with different perspectives before judging its worth. One of our assignments in Venice was to shoot whatever we wanted, but after we took that picture, we had to turn around 180 degrees and take a picture of whatever was there. Sometimes it was just the bricks of a wall. But other times, the scene behind you was just as beautiful, if not more, than the one in the original shot. Many of my best pictures were from this day, and many of them were of the scene behind me. This assignment made me think about all the moments that happen right behind me everyday and if I take a minute look around, I will see so many new perspectives. So thank you TFT for opening my eyes, advancing my photography skills, introducing me to amazing friends, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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Year Completed