Three Months in Montevideo

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My favorite part about my stay in Montevideo was perhaps my housing situation. I had the chance to live with and become close with people from Brasil, Germany, Denmark, the UK and Canada. And being connected to the Spanish school offered the opportunity to make even more international friends.

Favorite parts about the city:
6. Old VW Bugs
5. Street corner fruit stands - Drink in those colors!
4. Our neighborhood fería (weekend market)
3. The independent cinema network
2. Finding truth in the idiom "A city with the soul of a town"
1. The Rambla - there's city, city, and more city, and then there's the Rambla where the city meets the river (sea) where you can find a place to breathe / change your perspective

Favorite adventure: Visiting the Karumbé field station in Coronilla for the final days of their Spring session, and then making our way to Cabo Polonia (two busses, one hitch-hiked ride, and at least 10 miles of walking later... totally worth it).

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would