Definitely Worth It

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I was always anxious starting an Internship in Spain, not only did I speak no Spanish but the culture was so different to what I was used to in Australia. Also, it was pretty daunting moving to a totally foreign country and knowing absolutely no one... Thankfully, the team at the InternGroup knew what it is like and were extremely good at making you feel not only comfortable and confident but safe as well.

From the moment I stepped off the plane I knew I had nothing to worry about. A man picked me up in a large limousine like van (which was pretty cool) and drove me straight to my appartment in Ventas, right next to the bull fighting ring. I made my way upto my appartment, which was nice and reasonably sized, and met my knew housemates. Luckily, my housemates were awesome and I transitioned into life in Spain very easily. We had a meet and great on my second day and I met the other interns (who I would be spending the next three months with), which was great as you straight away make a nice social network. The reason I am saying all this is because first impressions are everything and after my first day in Madrid I knew I was going to love it. The people at The Intern Group were so helpful professionally and socially.

Professionally my internship was great, the people at work were friendly, fun and welcoming. They understood if I was ever late (whether it was because the metro had problems or because I stayed at the cervezeria too long the night before...) and when I didn't show up to work one monday after missing my flight and getting stuck in Barcelona Sunday night, they emailed to make sure I was ok. They knew I wanted to do plenty of travel while I was in Europe and they were extremely accomodating.

Lalita is brilliant, always on standby if you have any problems and eager to help out. Such an enthusiastic personality, I don't know how she does it. I would love to know what she puts in her coffee because I need some... Whenever you see her it brightens your day and makes you excited to be there.

Irene is gorgeous, she provides us with social experiences and reccomendations of places to go/things to do in Madrid. She is young, fun and energetic plus knows A LOT about Madrid, I could listen to her talk for ever. Every week she organizes social gatherings and if you want something to do just message her on facebook, she is always so eager to let you know what's on and is one of the nicest peope I have ever met. My experience certainly would have been different if she wasn't there.

Anyway if anyone is actually still reading this and wondering if the experience is worth it, I say do it. You will have a great time, meet some amazing people and make some experiences you will never forget. I didn't think I would write a review this long but I'm still here and my fingers are starting to hurt from typing so I might wrap it up now. If, like me, you are from somewhere far away like Australia make sure you do some travelling. Everything is so close and so different, you fly a couple of hours to Switzerland or Austria for example and it's a whole new world. Don't get too caught up in going out every night, there's so much so see.

Big thanks to The Intern Group for everything, I will never forget this experience!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed