Dublin Spring 2017

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

My internship in Dublin was one of the best experiences of my life. I came in a month later than everyone, but Global Experience was great with moving things along quickly so that I could get to Dublin. My internship placement was great! I loved everyone I worked with, and the environment I was working in. The commute was only a twenty minute walk from Griffith College where I was living. The accommodation at Griffith College was not the best, but it was bearable. I loved that I was able to travel around and outside of Ireland. I went to a few different countries and several parts of Ireland, and I would recommend future interns take this opportunity to travel. The biggest takeaway from this experience is that it solidified that I want to work in this field of software development. This was my first real job as a front-end developer for a company, and I loved what I was doing. I found it challenging and interesting everyday. I am so grateful that I was able to work abroad through Global Experiences,

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed