Experience of a lifetime

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I just returned from one of the best months of my life down in Ecuador with Help learn Discover! :) HLD is an amazing volunteer program offered to students. It allows students to shadow doctors in various departments at three different hospitals (pre-med program), help build 21 homes for a community in need (this year in Pujilí) and travel all around Ecuador.

First we completed the learn aspect of the trip where we got to watch surgeries in the OR, study cases in the ER, spend a day in the Gastrology and Sports Medicine units, draw blood, learn to do stitches, put on casts and more. Each day we would start our rotations at 8am and go until 12pm at the hospital. We were put in groups of two or three and paired with a tutor who would translate and teach us throughout the rotation. Then in the afternoons we would do class room sessions on various topics such as fractures, headaches, abdominal pain, etc. to learn more about general topics.

Next was the help component where we travelled to the town of Pujilí to start building 20 new homes for a community there. We did various tasks such as digging trenches for the foundation, mixing cement, getting water from the river, moving cinder blocks, transporting rocks and tying rebar. Every morning when we arrived at the work site, all the members of the community would be there to welcome us and say good morning. Every single person would shake your hand and then we would all work together on the various tasks for the day. In the evening when we were done for the day, we would do a cheer and say good bye. We had the opportunity to play with the kids often and even got to play a game of soccer with everyone.

Last but not least was the discover part of the trip. This part of the trip allowed us to travel to many different cities and towns in Ecuador including Quito, Banos, Canoa, Cotopaxi, Manta, Barcelo and Mishualli. We participate in activities such as surfing, horseback riding, tubing, canyoning, hiking, swimming and relaxing.

All in all, this was an experience of a lifetime and I'm proud to say I will be going back next year to spend another month with this amazing program!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed