Plan My Gap Year, Ghana

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I was sure I wanted to travel abroad to volunteer but I was undecided on where I wanted to go. It wasn't until I came across Plan My Gap Year that I came to an immediate decision - Ghana. This expereience has truly been the most life-changing, humbling, fun and thrilling time of my life. Before I set off I was unsure of what to expect as this was my first time volunteering alone abroad but the staff before hand were so helpful and easy to get hold of. The staff in Ghana were AMAZING - any time of the day which you need them they are always there. The experience has truly made me so grateful for everything and I've met the most big-hearted people along the way. Plan My Gap Year Ghana has truly kickstarted a life of travelling for me and I'm so excited to go to more of their destinations in the future. I would recommend them as I couldn't have had a better experience - you will always feel safe, never be hungry, always be laughing and always have people to talk to. Ghana is such a beautiful country with the most amazing children and happy people, I will miss it so much and cannot wait to return.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed