Affordable & Easy with Full Time Schedule

Instruction: 5
Support: 4
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 2
Job Assistance: 4

My experience with the Uni-Prep Course was fantastic. I was initially worried about the time commitment on top of being a student, working with an internship, and school work assignments. I also was trying to be mindful about purchasing a TESOL course that was affordable, and this course was definitely in my budget! There are ten units, a video, reading assignment, and quiz per unit. If you are an advanced English speaker, I recommend watching the videos on an increased speed of 1.25x or 1.5x to be more time efficient. Additionally, you get two chances per quiz, and they take the highest grade. I recommend using this to your advantage and taking the quizzes back to back while the content is fresh in your mind. It is very easy to excel in this course and enjoy the process. I definitely recommend this course!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed