Medical Volunteer Experience -- Guatemala

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 4

You don't understand the meaning of the phrase, "Take only what you need," until you are in a distribution center in Antigua, Guatemala counting out four pencils, one eraser, and thirty pieces of paper. Although this example may seem minuscule, the theme holds true for many aspects of daily operations at the clinic I was volunteering at, and it left a lasting impact on my life. My awareness has broadened, as I have witnessed first hand the struggles, others go through every day. Everyone has seen pictures or thirty-second videos on the internet, but when a homeless man takes the last few crumbs of your lunch from the trash and eats it, you know the deepest feeling of compassion.

International Volunteer Headquarters and Maximo Nivel provided me the key necessary to unlock a door into the world of compassion through service to others in a village clinic outside of Antigua. The foundation they provided for other volunteers and me to build experiences and memories on is unimaginable unless you have already tried it yourself. I say they provide the key because it is truly up to you to open the door and take a step through and explore, that is, it is up to take the initiative, find meaning in the work you are doing, and arrive at your own conclusions. You can open the door and see an empty room, or you can open the door and discover a whole new world.

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Year Completed