A must consider for Teaching Abroad

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I'll boil this review into three main points: professional intregity, respect, prosperity.

professional intregity: MEF takes every necessary step to provide its employees with all legal documentation. Sometimes this take an extra while to get together...but trust me, it worth it!

professional respect: MEF provides you with multiple options and always encourages you to make the choice thats best for you. Example: you have several options in regional placement...maybe you want to live in a big city, maybe a little farther out...you decide. Same with housing: you are so forced into sharing rent, you have free choice to take a single bedroom for personal privacy.

professional prosperity: cost of living is cheap in China and your salary is very competitive. Feel free to live a lavish life of great food and frequent travel....or maybe set aside half your wages to pay off those pesky student loans. Either way its totally viable

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would