Nutrition Intership

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I spent 4 weeks taking Spanish classes and 4 weeks working with a Nutritionist.

The 4 weeks of classes were great and gave me an amazing opportunity to practice my Spanish. The classes were small, the teachers were experienced and genuinely interested in seeing you improve, and the materials provided were very useful. On top of being experienced, the teachers were very nice and kept classes interesting and fun.

Maximo Nivel was able to match me up with an internship with a Nutritionist, which was a perfect match for me as I am double majoring in Spanish and Dietetics. Being matched with an internship directly within my major was amazing because it advanced my career, and allowed me to practice Spanish within my career of interest, allowing me to improve my knowledge of both my areas of study. It was really hands-on and very enjoyable. I even got to take breaks to workout (for free!) at each of the gyms my boss worked at.

The biggest thing I learned was to keep an open-mind, ask a lot of questions, and never be embarrassed to make mistakes.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would