Enriching and fulfilling summer.

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Having decided to gain overseas experience over the summer of 2017, The Intern Group (TIG) was a clear winner when deciding upon a host organisation.

A summer abroad is an expensive option, regardless of where you go in the world. Finding a host organisation that isn't primary focused on money is imperative when sourcing a good quality programme. TIG is one of the best value for money programmes I came across. After calculating the costs of coming overseas alone, I realised I would not only save money, but feel safer and see more of the country I would travel to, with TIG.

Right from the get go, the staff team were dedicated in supporting me in choosing the right location, programme and internship. They really did a fantastic job of tailoring the programme to my desires for the summer, which is so important! Having chosen HK and confirming a role with an organisation, the rest was easy! My visa was sorted, my accommodation was confirmed and all I had to do was book flights and pack.

From arriving in HK, there was not a minute of stress. The staff are great for getting you settled in and getting you accustomed to your new lifestyle.

The events were fantastic, hosted by a great guy, who himself has completed similar programmes and understands what the interns want to explore in HK. The events were well managed, fun and great for making the friends that make your whole experience exciting.

There is a great work to social life balance, and you can really be in control of how you want to spend your time in HK. The most important thing to mention is that, the friends you will make are like minded, intelligent people that make the best memories with you.

My placement was carefully chosen and exactly what I needed for the summer, although at first it can seem a bit much, or in some cases not enough; get through the first week and then it will come naturally!

My only advice to potential interns would be, make sure you get a full in-depth health check before coming to Hong Kong, the climate is crazy and the lifestyle is very fast paced. A change like this can bring light to any underlying medical issues that could potentially hinder your experience. The healthcare in Hong Kong is different from that at home and can be difficult.

Overall, I would say go for it! You can invest in a lot of things in your youth, property, cars etc. but an investment in yourself is truly the one worth taking.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed