Plan My Gap Year Sri Lankan experience (16-17 year olds)

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

The volunteering and adventure trip was superb!
The first week consists of volunteering in Ambalangoda and it involves teaching, construction, elephants and turtles. If I had to choose my favourite it would be either elephants or teaching. Having such a close encounter with the elephants was awe inspiring but I really miss all of the children we had the opportunity to teach. The volunteering felt very rewarding and at the end of it everyone on the trip felt as if we had accomplished something.
The accommodation is clean and comfortable, but if you are planning on going remember to bring a sheet as there are no covers. Everything you need is catered for. During the first week there are different activities every night such as meditation lessons and Sri Lankan dancing. I
loved all of them! The meals are all cooked by the sisters and they are delicious- especially the pancakes.
The following week was amazing. We did so much it would take hours to list it all, but highlights included a safari and a hike (both very early starts) as well as visiting beautiful temples and the stunning beaches of Marissa. The hotels are lovely- some of them even had four poster beds!
The staff are brilliant. They put so much effort into ensuring the trip is a success and are genuinely wonderful people.
If you are thinking about going on this trip I would stop thinking and start booking. It was the best two weeks and I am so happy to have done it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed