Everything I wanted it to be

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I stayed in Arequipa and worked with Volunteers Peru for two months in June and July 2017.
I had a fantastic experience in the girls home where I felt welcome from the first minute due to the enthusiasm and kindness of the girls.
When I started looking for programmes to go abroad with I was worried about finding the right organisation to go with, that would make me feel safe and I wanted a small organisation so that I wouldn't get lost in masses of volunteers.
Volunteers Peru was in that sense the perfect organisation for me. At most we were 7 or 8 volunteers and the whole organisation felt like a family environment. Marita and Megan, who work in the office, were always available for us to contact and we had a really close and good relationship with them which made it easy to settle in and feel comfortable throughout my stay.
When I went to Peru I spoke very little Spanish, which in itself wasn't the biggest problem as I was eager to learn more, but I think it is a lot easier if you go and speak a decent amount of Spanish as it makes it easier for you to communicate with people.
I have now been back home for a couple of weeks and I miss Arequipa and the project as well as the people I met durning my stay. It has been a fantastic experience and I would definitely recommend it to anyone.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed