An Insightful Experience

Growth: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I had a great time with this program. Although I was the only student not from the U.S., there was still a lot of diversity in both background and experience in my program group, and I made some great friends. Although I was not entirely happy that the administration may not have fully taken into account the situations of students living outside the U.S. or that the leaders were not extremely organised all the time, I still enjoyed myself and sometimes found that figuring out our plan as we went along made it more exciting than simply having a fully planned itinerary.

I got the chance to experience new things, like learning how to ride a bike, or archery, or living in a French family's house! I became more confident in my French speaking skills and truly enjoyed living in the moment, being it laughing at random feats, late-night conversations, or people-watching at cafes. I liked that the program focused not just on Paris but on regional culture, because I felt that I got to know France better and enjoyed it more by being in smaller cities/towns.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed