Time of My Life

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This voyage of exploration was honestly one of the best experiences of my life. It may hurt my credibility to put near perfect score for everything, but ti is hard to come up with bad parts of the journey I went on. The only two I marked down are for housing and safety. I did this for the pure reason that going on this trip means accepting being out of your comfort zone and some of the housing is included in that. My first home stay house was, as my instructor best put it, very materially poor, but it did not diminish the great family I was staying with or the great times I had in the city of San Antonio Palopo. This trip was the experience of a lifetime and I cannot recommend it to anybody enough. In fact I implore you, if you are not interested in this particular dragons program, to go to there website and check out other programs that they offer. For if it is a fraction as good as the one I went on I can promise you that it is well worth it. If you want to know more contact them and experience it for yourself as I promise any descriptions I could give about how it changed my life or the experiences I had cannot properly do it justice.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed