Ultimate Oz Tour

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Roughly two months ago I decided to leave my home country Canada, I had a goal to see as much of the world as I could while still young. I first looked for a destination, Australia was the most perfect candidate. With still being a long 24 hours of travel away from home, it is the most similar to Canadian culture with all the sights I've dreamed to see on my travels. I searched for roughly 2 years on where to start, how to do it, programs avaliable, everything you could imagine being involved with the goal to move to a new country on a working traveling visa. After long efforts I came across a company called smaller earth which had lots of programs all over the world using smaller companies inside those countries to run them. Ultimate Oz was one of the organizations that was based in Sydney Australia. Long story short I found this to be the absolute best candidate for the start of my travels, it consists of a perfect mix between help with finding work, banking, your visa, getting a phone plan, everything along with tours and activities. Currently I have been in Australia for 5 days, within these five days I have seen all the major sights in Sydney including the opera house, Sydney harbour bridge, gone on a catamaran cruise through the Sydney harbour, traveled to port Stephens, gone sand dune boarding, went on a dolphin watching tour, hiked to the most beautiful summit, I've held snakes and lizards and searched for koala bears, organized an Australian bank account, learnt all about working here and more all in just 5 days. I've had expireiences in one day many people wouldn't have done their entire life. All pre arranged and done with ultimate Oz, in a group of 21 where I know I've already met some amazing friends from all over the world. The tour guides (Becky and Anna) are amazing, both having travel expierience and on the same working travel visa I am and done these tours them self, they are so relatable and helpful in tips and options I would've never known about without them on traveling and working. They have made this group come together as one and make sure every single person has their own personable experience with every event. I would've never imagined I would be here today and met these amazing people without this program. The company them selves has different programs all over the world and multiple in Australia, because of how perfect this first part of my journey has been I decided to continue the traveling first, to work later and booked their ultimate east coast tour where I can hop on and hop off anywhere along the way and stay as long as I want all being prepaid and prearranged to take me up the east coast and see anything and everything I would've. Missed going on my own. I would highly recommend this program to every person I know wether it's your first time trip or you're an experienced traveler it would still be perfect for you. I am so thankful for the opportunity to experience this and have made such great friends even with the tour guides. Becky and Anna you've been amazing thank you and thank you ultimate Oz!

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Year Completed