One of the Most Important Things I Have Done In My Life

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This trip is special. From start to finish I felt like I was at home. All of the people I met were extremely welcoming and very supportive.
Starting with the medical portion of the trip for the individuals who are on the pre-med portion. The experience in the ER and OR, as well as learning some fundamental skills was something that I have found of extreme value in bettering my understanding of the realities of medicine, as well as the amazing interactions with local medical students. Every question I had was answered with clarity and in depth, and I felt that when I left the trip that I got as much out of the time as I possibly could have.
Then the volunteer portion of the trip. The community that we worked with was inspirational. Working beside the locals on this trip was an absolutely amazing experience. Their hard work and determination were something that I had never seen before. They shared their families with us and truly made us feel like we were part of their family as well. It was very difficult to say goodbye to these people, and it was so very special to see them in their new homes.
The exploration portion of the trip was incredible as well. You have to see these sights to understand the indescribable beauty of Ecuador. It was very special to travel through the Andes, to the cost, and to the Amazon and do incredible activities along the way. This portion still feels like a dream.
From beginning to end I felt among friends. I am still talking to the people I went on the trip with and I feel so thankful that I had the opportunity to go on this trip.
I would recommend 10/10 to anybody considering this type of trip.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed