A summer packed full of fun

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

I was first introduced to EDUCO's Summer Camps during rehearsals with their theatre programme, Teatrino, some of their recruitment staff came to introduce the programme to us. I knew that really wanted to stay in Italy once my tour had ended and they made it sound like so much fun so I thought why not?

I completed my orientation a few days after I finished my Teatrino tour in the first week of June, this in itself was a great experience. We were provided accommodation in a beautiful hotel in Sanremo which also included all our meals with endless amounts of coffee available. We participated in tonnes of activities and games that we would later be facilitating in camps. I got to know so many lovely people from all over the world, unfortunately you don't always get to see everyone again during camp but I did bump into a few people I made friends with at orientation.

I would say that my favourite part of Summer Camps was the host families. They make you feel so welcome, providing authentic Italian cooking and being so excited to show you around their hometown. You leave feeling you've become part of their family - I can't tell you how many times I cried when leaving my host families as it was so difficult saying goodbye.

Life at camp is a whirlwind experience, you arrive on the Saturday and meet your camp director to discuss the week's activities and before you know it you're saying your thank yous at the end of your classes final show. The italian children are so full of life and can't wait to learn English. Their enthusiasm is crazy and you fall in love with their little faces. You are given a wealth of information during your orientation and are also provided with access to endless amounts to lesson plans/games/activities etc so you are never stuff with what to do whilst at camp. If you ever have any problems from missing your train connection to feeling home sick, EDUCO are only a phone call away and do everything they can to resolve your problem.

It's a great way to travel around Italy, I had already see a lot of Italy due to my Teatrino tour however I got to see so many other places by doing camp. I also got to eat endless amounts of pasta/pizza/gelato, I could never get bored of Italian cuisine.

I would definitely recommend this programme, without it I wouldn't have fallen in love with so many of the beautiful cities I experienced and I wouldn't have been able to meet so many incredible people. I am so thankful for EDUCO for giving me this experience. I'll never forget it.

If you would like to see what camp life is like, I filmed my entire experience and uploaded the videos to my Youtube channel. My youtube name is thatsutherskid where you will be able to find a playlist dedicated to my time at EDUCO camps. Enjoy guys!


Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed