An amazing experience

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had an amazing experience in Sri Lanka, the pre-departure information was really useful, the handbook was really informative and helped me feel prepared for starting the volunteer programs and for what it would be like living in Sri Lanka. I worked at the elephant project for 2 weeks which was an incredible experience to be so up close to the elephants every day. On the project we would clean out the elephants areas, walk the elephants to the river, bathe the elephants and then give them some fruit. It could get a bit repetitive which is why I think 2 weeks was a good amount of time to spend on the project. They also take you on an elephant safari which is really exciting and a great way to break up the week. I also spent a week on the turtle project, It was a lot of cutting up fish and feeding them to the turtles but the baby turtles are adorable and it was amazing to get to release them into the sea. The weekend trips are worth going on, they can seem quite expensive but they are well organised and you get to see a lot more of Sri Lanka. I would definitely recommend volunteering with PMGY.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed