Malawi - Nakundu Primary School - November 2016

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I could not recommend Naturally Africa Volunteers highly enough! I spent 4 weeks volunteering at Nakundu Primary School in Malawi and found it highly enjoyable and educational (for me). One of the key differences that I found with this organisation compared with others I had volunteered for was the focus on sustainability. From the training of the local villagers to create a trade for themselves to the introduction of solar and renewable energy sources. It was all tailor-made not just to help now but to ensure a volunteer’s time contributed to something permanent that would help the local community going forward. Whilst helping at the school, I went through a full cycle of teaching, revision and exams and so saw the end results of what we were learning.

Needless to say that the kids were awesome and I made friends with all of the other staff members who were very welcoming. The project team were great, Sam and Oga in particular with their patience over my below par Chichewa skills! Definitely a project that I would recommend to anyone - both a challenging and rewarding experience!

James Saout - Volunteer

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed