Bali 2017

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My experience volunteering in Bali was unbelievable. I did childcare which also involved a bit of teaching. I came into it with no idea of what i was doing, just like most volunteers I'm sure but it was amazing. The children were beautiful, bright and kind souls that smiled no matter what. They were always up for having fun and running around and they really loved colouring in! Although they were young and it's hard to learn another language at their age, they tried their hardest and seeing that was the most rewarding feeling. The Akasa family made us feel like part of their own family and I will always be grateful for that because they made everyone feel so welcomed in their home! Bali overall was incredible. Travelling on weekends with friends and every making new memories that will never be forgotten was amazing. The locals were always very friendly and you never felt out of place there. I loved every minute of this experience and would 100% do it again.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed