Four weeks in Bali

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

In November I returned from four weeks volunteering in Tabanan, Bali in the childcare project. This was my first time travelling, and doing it alone was really nerve-racking but the whole experience was absolutely amazing.
I booked my place with Plan My Gap Year and left for Bali quite quickly, I only had about two months to prepare but PMGY were very efficient and helpful throughout the preparation process and answered any questions I had quickly. There was a really thorough volunteer handbook to read through and useful webinar sessions you could sign onto.
The childcare programme was incredible, the children were so amazing and I still miss them massively! The childcare programme was mostly looking after the children, and playing with them with a little bit of basic teaching involved. The children are so loving. I loved every minute of it.
I really loved that in Bali, your accommodation includes living with a local family who were amazing! Ketut, Rush, Indra and family were so welcoming and accommodating. It really made the experience 10x better living with such a lovely family. We even got to attend a family wedding which was a great experience.
During my four weeks, I never once felt unsafe and the locals in Tabanan and different areas in Bali were so friendly. Travelling around different places in Bali on our weekends was unbelievable and I am so happy I got to see the places I did, each one was unique and beautiful.
Overall, my time in Bali was incredible and I would love to go back again.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed