No complaints

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

The Gone2Korea coordinator that helped me out asked me to write a review and I'm happy to oblige! Gone2Korea helped me land a great job in Suwon, which is a big city on the outskirts of Seoul, and things are going incredibly well. I've only been teaching here for a short period, since September, but I'm already thinking about staying for a few years. My schools pretty big, so I hear, with 11 westerners and over 20 Korean teachers, and everyone is super nice. Our director is pretty cool as well, he takes us out for dinner and drinks at least once a month. We basically take over an entire restaurant when we go, it's hilarious! I can't say enough about the kids, they're so eager to speak in English and I have a blast teaching them. I teach kindergarten kids in the morning and elementary kids in the afternoons. The kindergartner's are fun to work with but I prefer my afternoon classes with the older students a little more because it's easier to communicate with them. My apartment seems pretty standard from what I've been told by other teachers, it's tiny but comfortable. Anyways, Gone2Korea definitely hooked me up with a great job, at a great school, in a great location. I highly recommend giving them a shot, you won't be disappointed.

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Thanks Hosoon, you were great!