Muy Bein

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

The past four months have been very captivating and has been a life changing experience which I will cherish for the rest of my life. I would definitely recommend participating in this because not only will it help develop your life skills but also gain invaluable life lessons! Intern Group made the journey of a life time so much calmer! They were excellent at providing lots of support and making sure you are ready for the internship this made me feel relaxed. Lalita the Associate Director of Madrid was helpful to guide me throughout the process. They were always there to direct me to the next stage, and would always get back to me via email!
It was my first time doing something of this nature, so naturally I was anxious and worried. I didn’t know what to expect. I met amazing people at the intern group which I connected with, that made my experience a lot better and will keep in contact with them, it’s safe to say I have made life long friends!
My first week I struggled with the environment because everything was out of my comfort zone. But after a few days, you adjust to the culture and the more places you visit the more you love the place. Irene is the event coordinator who plans weekly events this gave the opportunity to meet the other interns. The events were different, so I would recommend going to each event because they were fantastic and eye-opening!
So, my work had a friendly environment. They mostly spoke Spanish this left me alienated. This then motivated me to learn the language and what better place to learn it than Spain. I started understanding what they were saying but struggled speaking it. I will carry on learning the language when I go back to the UK.
I didn’t have a plan how much I was going to spend so the first month I restricted myself from overspending, which later gave the opportunity to travel around Spain; to places like Granada and Sevilla. I would recommend travelling outside of Madrid to see how different each part of the city is. It was breathtaking and honestly left me in awe. It was very emotional leaving the place not knowing when I’ll come back. It has left a strong sense of nostalgia.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed