See Turtles Belize Adventure

Value: 4
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 4
Organization: 4

I went on the SEE Turtles adventure to Belize in July 2017. It was a fantastic experience, with ALOT of contact with nature, animals and conducting actual conversation work. Everyday we were out on the boat, following dolphins, snorkeling with sea turtles, coral reefs, sting ray and many other marine animals. The staff were highly knowledgeable, and there were no end to the number of activities to do. If you are the type of person that can't sit still on vacation and enjoys exercise and nature experiences I can highly recommend this! Beyond this, it really feels like you are contributing to the protect of species and doing something 'productive' with your vacation while not losing the relaxation and fun.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed