Holiday Experiance

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I went back and forth on buying my plane tickets for this one week experience because it's not real until you buy the nonrefundable flight! The second I was off of the plane and saw the view from the walk; I realized how silly I was. I never did a study abroad during my undergraduate years in school and was doing this trip to satisfy my wanderlust while helping wherever I could.

I've read a ton of reviews that state one week simply isn't long enough. Not long enough to make a difference or to truly immerse yourself into the culture . I'm here to tell you this is not the case. My short time in Antigua and surrounding areas was simply amazing. I didn't save the world but I know my presence brought smiles and laughter to the kids I worked with and relief to those who did this everyday. Culturally, Maximo Nivel made it so easy to jump right into things. My second day of the volunteer week I went to an amazing FREE salsa dancing and guacamole tasting. I still move like a robot but it was fun and a great way to enjoy the music while enjoying the nightlife. The staff made this cultural transition easy by offering assistance and support when needed. I never felt afraid or lost because I knew I had this amazing team behind me all the way.

Also, Antigua is such a walk-able city that I walked everywhere and explored everything. I checked out some museums, went on an amazing Coffee Farm tour via the tour company at Maximo Nivel, ate a ton of good food, and met some really amazing people.

To make an already long story short. Do what you can and don't be afraid to just jump in with both feet. My thoughts were, if i hate's only one week. I've been home less than two weeks and am already planning my next experience because I miss it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed