Mom's GLA Review

Program Selection: 5
Pre-departure Help: 5
In-program Support: 5
Impact on Student: 5
Value: 5

My daughter went on a a 3 week program in Tanzania with the GLA last summer 2017. I had never heard of GLA prior to 2017 but after her expressed interests in taking part in this program, I read everything I could find about it and felt good enough to register her. Everything went without a hitch, all preparations prior to departure were done quickly and painless ourselves because everything was prescribed. And before long, it was departure time, and off she goes to Africa, on her own, meeting up with other teens going to the same program on their flights there to Tanzania. While she was in Africa, I didn’t worry at all because I got email and blog updates on what the kids are up to, with pictures even. I could call her if I needed to, and she could call me and text me while there. All in all, she had “the best 3 weeks of her life so far” and the memories and lessons learned are priceless! I would let her do it again, if she so inclined. I am glad she got to experience this incredible adventure on her own with other teens her age and with experienced guides and a local organizer. This is something that will affect her long after the trip is over.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed