Flying English

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Shanghai is a vast city filled with many opportunities, but having a chance to work at Flying English is one of the greatest. The facilities are spacious for teaching, and the staff is composed of agreable people. There are many benefits, and there is a balance between office work and class hours. Everyone is eager to develop the curriculum; there is an attention to detail and genuine interest in teaching which might not be found in some English schools. My coworkers and boss have all been helpful not only in revising and improving lesson plans, but also becoming more familliar with the city and correcting my Chinese. Free Chinese classes have been implemented, and there are many resources and opportunities to strengthen your language skills during your stay in Shanghai. Even events such as Winter and Summer Camp, lasting 1.5 to 7 weeks respectively, do have a level of fun that do not create the fatigue you might expect from teaching nearly an entire day. Having worked in a different English school after my arrival in Shanghai, I can confidently say that Flying English is an improvement on my previous experience. The class sizes allow teachers to focus on individual progress, and it is rewarding to see children progress from simple sentence structures to describing their days before the beginning of a class. The bulk of the work lies in lesson planning, and again teachers during my time here regularly evaluate each other and offer advice and suggestions to make classes more efficient and enjoyable. Flying English has become not only a job, but a community of friends without whom I would make my time in Shanghai much less interesting and worthwhile. There is a sense of ambition, passion, and comeraderie here which make it an easy workplace to recommend.

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Yes, I would