IVHQ - Green Lions

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I wish someone had told me about this opportunity years ago because it’s an excellent program. You get to people from all parts of the world and go on some crazy adventures, but most importantly you can see how the work you do, directly impacts the residents of Tigman Village.

I just spent 3 weeks in the Philippines (it was supppsed to be 2 but I stayed for longer because I didn’t want to go) working on the Construction & Renovation project.

The first week is orientation, so the coordinators will take you around the village, teach you some of the basic words and phrases and take you to Narra market and the butterfly gardens so you get to see some of what the Philippines have to offer you also get to go to the Sandbar and try making some banana fritters which are delicious.

The weekends are great because it’s your own free time, so we took a group to El Nido, which was absolutely awesome, if you go make sure to do one of the island tours, it’s so much fun! (Just don’t but drinks with ice out there because you will get sick, that’s the only thing you’ll need to worry about).

The second and third week for me was helping to build a new communal area for the school teachers. I also needed to break down one of the walls in the school and rebuild a smaller one so bikes and tricycles could get through to deliver building materials. It was challenging work because it can get very hot during the day, but it’s so rewarding because you can see what it’s going to be used for and you know that you helped contribute to something useful for the community.

Personally I would say if your looking for an adventure, something different from your day to day, you will absolutely love the amazing work Green Lion do and the Philippines. The coordinators are excellent, it’s very safe in the village and outside and the school kids will come and ask how you’re doing.

There’s no WIFI and that might sound terrifying but it’s really nice to disconnect from the world. As there are lots of other volunteers there’s an opportunity to meet some great people with really interesting stories to tell.

The only issue I had with this program is that I didn’t want to leave. It really does feel like home after a couple of days and it’s nice be part of the Tigman family.

If there’s some advice I would pass on to future volunteers, I would say to remember that your not going to be able to change the world overnight, but it’ll be your help that directly impacts the overall success of the developing community as it continues to grow and develop.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed