How Studying Abroad Impacted My Life Post-Program

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The weeks and days leading up to my departure for the Czech Republic, I was excited and nervous in the best way. I was excited because I could already tell this was going to be the best semester of my college career (I was right). But I was still nervous because this was the first time I was going to be fully on my own and more than a few hours away from my parents. I don't get home sick in the slightest, but there's somewhat of a fear factor about being in a complete other country than your friends and family. Fast forward four months to the last few days of my time abroad, and there is not one part of me that wants to come home. It felt like I had just arrived in Prague and I still had so much more I wanted to see and do. But that's one of the good parts about studying abroad, you know you can always go back.
I'm so thankful for the months I got to spend not only in Prague, but traveling and exploring ten countries and countless cities with new friends I had made. I learned so much that I could never have learned if I wasn't experiencing it hands on and in person. So, I would like to share with you the most important thing I learned and have carried with me since being back from abroad and how it has impacted my life.
Culture shock! Yes, people in other countries behave and act differently in their day to day activities than we do here in America. Crazy, I know. This is one of the most beneficial things I could have learned in my time abroad and I am so thankful I did. I was fortunate enough to have class with students who were not only from the Czech Republic, but also from countries including Spain, Russia, Morocco, Egypt, and more! Interacting with these students and just hearing about their lives in their home countries was some of the most interesting times I had while on campus at AAU. I knew that people in other countries went about life differently than me, but I never really knew what kind of different.
This is something very important to cary with you post-graduation in the "real world" when you get your first job and are finally employed. When I graduate in 3 months (yikes!) and will hopefully be employed, I will be working with people who come from a variety of different backgrounds, and that's okay! I have gained a greater understanding and appreciation for people who aren't exactly like me and about their cultures language, beliefs, and history.

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Year Completed